C (86/254)

From:Daithi O'Cuinn
Date:22 Apr 00 at 20:44:03
Subject:Re: Minterms

Hello Kelly

On 22-Apr-00, Kelly Samel wrote:

> I believe that the minterm for a direct copy is 0xC0

Thanks, but I find myself stumbling into another problem now - it's so awfully
I am trying to do a tile based map scroller, which updates x and y positions
depending on two scroll bars. My method was to have a bitmap that I would
write to, then use BltBitMapRastPort to copy the relevant section into my
windows rastport when the scrollers were updated, but this is far too slow to
be usable. Does anyone know how to a speedy method of achieving this?


Daithi O'Cuinn

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